Getting an underground water leak repaired

An underground pipe leak can go undetected for weeks or even months.

The pipes are concealed and a great deal of damage can occur before anyone notices. I first became aware of an area in the lawn where the grass was growing much faster. The grass was especially green, lush and tall. When I investigated, that spot was rather soggy. Once I started paying attention, I detected a decrease in water pressure from the shower head and faucets. There was a significant increase in my monthly water bill. When I did some research online, I learned that the average household’s leaks can add up to nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted every year. Ten percent of homes live with leaks that waste 90 gallons or more of water every single day. I was a bit worried about hiring a plumber and having my entire lawn excavated. I imagined a great deal of upheaval, mess and disruption. I expected an extremely high repair cost. I read reviews online and found a local plumbing company with a great deal of experience. When I called and explained the situation, they scheduled repairs for that same day. The plumber used a modern device to locate the water leak. The pipe locator device uses electrical signals and radio waves to find metal pipes. While the service wasn’t cheap, it was essential. The plumbing crew that completed the work was very conscientious about cleaning up after themselves. They did their best to restore my lawn. Once the leak was fixed, I was amazed by the increase in water pressure inside the house.

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