My son put his cat in the air duct.

I couldn’t find my son’s cat, but I didn’t want my son to know.

I told my husband the cat was missing, and we decided to start looking as soon as our son went to bed.

When I took him upstairs to tuck him in, I thought I could hear the cat, but it wasn’t in the bedroom. I called my husband upstairs, and asked him if he could hear the cat. As soon as we opened our son’s bedroom, he could hear the sound of the cat. He told me to turn on the night light. He had an idea. He shined his flashlight down the air vent, and the cat was right below. He pulled the air vent cover up, shocked that it wasn’t screwed down. He couldn’t remember when he had last cleaned the air ducts, but he must have left the air vent unscrewed when he was done. Our son must have stuck the cat inside the air vent. He had said the cat was cold, and I told him to put the cat’s bed near the air vent. Instead of putting the cat bed near the air vent, he must have put the cat in the air vent. There was so much dust and dirt on the cat that we couldn’t let him in our son’s room, because he would sleep on the bed. We put him in his cat crate and left him in the living room for the night. We knew we would need to talk to our son in the morning, but we also had to put the screws back in the air vent cover.

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