Adding on comes with new HVAC unit

When we first bought this house, it wasn’t supposed to be anything but a starter home for us.

When we were married, we had all these plans for a big family, pets and the whole thing.

So living in a two bedroom bungalow out of town was not in the long range plans. However, this house was affordable, was located on 5 acres and suited our purposes as first time homeowners. So we upgraded the residential HVAC and completed some other renovations ourselves. The HVAC professionals were great to work with. Our HVAC contractor understood that we were on a budget but wanted the best heating and cooling equipment we could get for our money. We didn’t sacrifice much at all when it came to quality HVAC equipment. However, we did sort of do without some of the bells and whistles when it came to the latest in HVAC technology. Still, we have been very pleased with the HVAC unit over the past decade. Yea, we’re still here. The family didn’t happen but we do have a pair of dogs. And the longer we’ve lived here, the more thankful we are that we do live out of town. Plus, having the land that we do is ideal as well. So instead of moving, we added on a big bedroom and bathroom. With that new space came a ductless heat pump. It’s been a very pleasant surprise for us as we love the heating and cooling comfort it delivers from such a small package. I think with our new giant bedroom and bathroom suite, we’re not going anywhere for a long while.


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