I stole his air conditioner and threw it in the canal

My therapist said that as part of my recovery I need to atone for my past sins.

Don’t worry this isn’t a religious spiel, it’s a normal aspect of most recovery programs.

The theory behind it is that by examining my past and owning up to my bad behavior, I can move on in life and be a better person. This little stroll down memory lane has been tricky, because I was so drunk and stoned for so many years I lost a lot of memories. One of the things I really feel badly about was the time I stole an air conditioner from one of my neighbors. At the time Jim and I did not get along, partially because of the old junky air conditioner he used. Jim’s house was right next door to me, our bedroom windows were only 20 feet apart, and he used the oldest and most depleted looking A/C unit I’ve ever seen. This air conditioner must have been 20 years old, and when it ran it made the most horrible noises. That air conditioner would keep me awake all night long, and I finally snapped. After Jimmy went to work one morning I ripped the air conditioner right out of his window sill. I dragged it across the street and through the vacant lot to the edge of a canal, where I threw the air conditioner in the water. I didn’t want to use it, I just wanted to shut it up forever. So now I need to find Jimmy and tell him it was me that stole his AC unit years ago.


I stole his air conditioner and threw it in the canal

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