Heating bills are just a part of living around here

We know that heating bills are just a part of living around here, but Duke can’t take it anymore for some reason.

Duke is going to be moving down south soon. He has been saying that he wants to move for years now, but I can’t say that I ever thought he would do it. He is always talking all the time and not showing any action, if you know what I mean. I don’t know why Duke is that way, but he’s been like that since he was a kid. Anyway, Duke said that he wanted to go live down south because he is over the frosty weather that we always have around here. I guess I get why he wants to go live somewhere with warmer temperatures. The weather around here can be brutal during the winters and the ice and snow is insane. I detest the frosty weather too but I never really thought about going away because of it. I suppose that it would be better to go live down where the weather is warmer simply because you don’t have to pay a small fortune for heating bills during the winter. Most of the time, the heating bills break the bank for us during the winter season and we hate having to pay them. We know that heating bills are just a part of living around here, but Duke can’t take it anymore for some reason. I guess it’s because we’re just not as young anymore. Occasionally, he talks about living close to the beach, but I don’t know if that’s really the right move for him. He doesn’t look like a beach guy to me.

Heating technician

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