She who came to his home to repair his electric heating system

Watson is married to an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist. They got married several years ago, and they seem to be doing pretty well for the most part. We thought that their wedding was awesome and we still speak about it a lot. They did a fantastic job with the wedding and the reception. We really like the lady that he married and he is a fantastic provider, too. Watson always thought that he would end up marrying a doctor or a lawyer, but he surprised all of us by falling in love with the Heating and Air Conditioning specialist who came to his lake house to repair his electric heating system one day. Watson always jokes about the way that the heating system broke down and he ended up getting a fire lit for the rest of his life. We suppose that he’s so funny, and his partner is pretty funny too. All her Heating and Air Conditioning customers know that she is the best lady ever. Plus, she is really good at his job, because she has been working as an Heating and Air Conditioning specialist for the past 17 years or so. She always says that she enjoys her job, and that she will really keep on doing it until she retires. We know that she really loves Watson, and the fact that she appreciates his job too makes us know that she’s just a really great girl. Watson really hit the jackpot with her and we told him the other day that he might want to go to the Heating and Air Conditioning company to hang out and see if she has any other friends who are like her.


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