I can breathe better using an air purifier at home

I’ve had really sketchy health throughout my entire life.

  • I started seeing the pediatrician a lot right after I hit the age of three.

It turned out at the time that I had childhood asthma. I would often react to the changing seasons, especially in Autumn and spring. I remember getting bronchitis on command almost at the exact same time every single autumn season. The leaf mold from all of the tree leaves that fell and hit the ground had a huge effect on my lungs. I had to take allergy medication just to survive during these periods of time. Unfortunately my mother was suffering from the same exact problems as I was. Eventually it became a minimal influence on my mother leaving my dad and taking us down south away from all of the environmental triggers. Granted there were bigger reasons for that split, but it still got us away from all of the leaf mold in the autumn. But it doesn’t address all of the pollen in the spring. We have just as much pollen down south as there is up north. I can’t even survive in my house without an air purifier running at all times. It’s an essential piece of equipment to prevent me from having severe allergy reactions on a daily basis. I’m really happy that I have more than one air purifier running as well. It allows me to filter out as much dust and other contaminants from the air as possible. Eventually I might get a whole home air purifier so it can affect all of the air going through the central HVAC system.


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