The portable space heater is invaded by spiders

It’s one of those snowy days when going outside isn’t necessary.

  • I long for a quiet evening at home with a mug of hot cocoa and a good book.

The best part about today is that I have no major plans. In general, I live in a very pleasant environment, and I do enjoy many of the conveniences that one would expect a person who has achieved a great deal of success in life to enjoy. Alf, my dog, and I live in this beautiful large house. There is nothing else I care to have. My home is perfect for me because it has everything I need. I prefer to spend my time at home doing things I enjoy rather than going out and about. My home’s climate control is excellent as well. My portable space heater gets more use than my central heating system. When I’m sitting in my chair, I enjoy having the heater right next to me. Until now, nothing else has come close to matching it. Even though I still adore it, a huge spider emerged from my portable space heater. When I first saw it, my first thought was to scream and panic. Followed up wondering if there is a large nest of them in it. This is a nightmare scenario for me, and I’m not sure if I should get rid of my portable space heater or not. I don’t know what to do with it, and I don’t want to mess with it either. I fear spiders and I may have to find someone to remove my portable space heater if I don’t know what’s going on in it. This once beautiful day has become my worst nightmare.

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