So grateful for HVAC technology

Overall, I’ve never been what you might call a tech person.

Indeed, I’m sort of in that weird age range where I use technology to work and to live, but I don’t understand it. If it weren’t for younger colleagues, I’d spend far too much time inside the commercial HVAC of the office trying to figure out new upgrades. While I can operate technology, it’s not exactly intuitive for me. Yet, there is one piece of technology that is so intuitive that all I have to do is leave it alone. I’m talking about the HVAC technology that produced the smart thermostat. I tend to have a less is more approach to technology so it took me a while to get onboard with the smart thermostat. I’m sure glad I did because having that HVAC technology sure has been a godsend lately. I was in an accident on my bike not too long ago. It wasn’t life threatening as much as it’s just been a lot of recuperating. And I’m not all that good at staying still really. Plus, I live alone. So many friends and family have been great about getting me to the doc and to physical therapy and such. But just the little, everyday stuff is another matter. So having the smart thermostat app on my phone ended up being so important. I can just bring up the smart thermostat app if I need to adjust the air conditioning as it’s not getting hotter outside. And having these casts can make me want more cooling comfort than I normally do. With the app, I can remotely change the thermostat setting from anywhere so I don’t have to get up.



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