Rainy days as well as cooling technology

This week is one of those times when I’m thinking about life and where mine is going. I have to get rid of this dark cloud that has been hanging over me ever since I lost my dad’s inheritance money, which he gave me a year ago. I just feel so bad that I lost it, but I have to forgive myself and move on because it doesn’t help to keep moping about it. I have some of it stashed away in a stock that, by some miracle, could make me the money back one day. My hot water boiler needs to be replaced soon, which is sad because I don’t have much money, but I can find a way to save up for it and have a Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) tech install the new one for me. Letting go of mistakes is a good way to move on in life, and I’m going to try my best to forgive myself for this one so I can feel happy again. I can do some air conditioning installations and use the money I make to buy the water heating part. Then I’ll be able to take tepid showers again. I think I’m feeling a little down because I’ve been sick with the flu and have spent most of my time alone in my apartment. I have a roommate, but she works as a cooling expert and is gone most of the time working for a local contractor. Still, life is good overall, and I’ll be back to normal once this freezing is over.

Home comfort business

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