Ex and I were never compatible

Isn’t it interesting how you can look back on situations and see things so clearly? Down the road, it becomes instantly apparent that some things were never meant to be.

It’s exactly like that outdated saying, hindsight is 20/20.When I look back on my past relationship, it’s clear that things were never going to labor out. My good friend and I were just different people with different priorities. My good friend and I had completely different preferences and ideas about life. At the time, I could not see that because my friend and I loved doing some of the same monthly tasks together. Looking back now, it’s legitimately obvious that my friend and I had differences which were insurmountable. As absurd as it sounds, one of the major things that my friend and I actually could not ever get over were our extreme personal preferences when it came to indoor air temperature. The problem was, while he typically felt hot, I typically felt cold. This meant living together was seriously uncomfortable for both of us. Everyday it felt like my friend and I got into a scrabble about the indoor air quality and our discomfort. He would wake up in the afternoon and instantly start complaining that it was too tepid for him to think. He would try to turn down the air-conditioning and I would start panicking. At the same time, I was typically feeling like it was incredibly cold. He would not complain that he could not stop perspiring, but meanwhile I was shivering incessantly. If I try to bump the temperature control up a few degrees, my friend and I were bound to get into a screaming match about energy usage and respecting each other’s indoor comfort. These afternoons, I am cheerful to have the temperature control to myself.


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