Installing a HEPA filter at my daycare

When I started my daycare, I would handle babies as young as four months.

I decided to work on indoor comfort to ensure that we kept the center comfortable and infant friendly.

Apart from ensuring we had space, I invested in a heater and air conditioning. The HVAC professional at the local heating business was beneficial in the entire process, from research to installation. I wanted something that would be highly efficient in cleaning the air and keeping the home warm. That was among the ways we’d manage to keep the respiratory infections low for the babies. The HVAC serviceman recommended that we buy an electric heat pump because it would meet the demands of our space, which had four sleeping spaces, a play area, a dining room, and a general area. I worried a bit about the safety of using an electric heater around children. Still, the heating technician assured me that installation would be done with care to ensure safety and that the installation would be out of their way. The HVAC supplier also told me not to worry about it getting too hot because they would also add a wireless thermostat which we could program to regulate indoor temperatures. We would also be getting a quality HEPA filter installed, which was the one thing I was excited about because of its air-cleaning capability. The heating device expert told me that the efficacy of the filter would also help keep the electric heating system functioning without multiple issues. It’s only one year since the installation, but seeing the babies grow into toddlers has been rewarding. The heating equipment has helped, and I’ve done my parting keeping up with heater maintenance.


HVAC service plan

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