When I grew up at the beach, we had no HVAC system

I grew up in a house on the beach.

We didn’t have an HVAC system in our house because we just didn’t need it at that point.

I know that sounds a little bit weird, but if you have ever lived at the beach, then you know what I am talking about. Whenever we were kids, we didn’t think anything about the fact that we didn’t have a heating and cooling system in our house. We did not care one bit about that fact. As a matter of fact, I don’t even know if I knew what central air conditioning even was until I was old enough to be in college. It just wasn’t something that I ever knew anything about because we didn’t have it. We didn’t need it, either. Living close to the beach means that we had nice sea breezes all the time. That was nature’s air conditioning during the summer and we thought that it was good enough for us! During the winter, we had some space heaters, but we didn’t really need anything more than that. We built fires sometimes whenever the weather started cooling off and we always thought that was fun. It was a great life growing up there by the beach. I always felt like it was a very wild life. I still like the sound of that, but I also know that for some kids, that is exactly the kind of thing that they need! Now that I’m grown up, I wish that I could do the same thing with the heating and cooling system in my house now that I did then!


cooling technology

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