I tore up the cooling device when I was fixing it

I decided the other morning that I was going to do some service work on our cooling system idea because the house had not been cooling down the way that I thought it should, however the concern with that idea is that I don’t actually know what I’m doing when it comes to fixing things around the house… Honestly, I am actually bad at everything like that… I don’t actually know how to do much of anything, except maybe change the air filters in the Heating and A/C system, then other than that, I’m pretty pathetic when it comes to doing house repairs of any sort.

However, my cooling system broke down and I didn’t have any money to service it; So I decided that instead of waiting around to get paid and have it fixed by a professional Heating and A/C worker, I would just try to work on it myself. This ended up being a big mistake. Since I had no idea what I was doing, I ended up making the concern even worse than it was to start with, however come to find out, the issue at first wasn’t actually that big of a problem. The Heating and A/C worker who eventually came out to do all of the repairs for me told me that I had torn it up much worse than it was whenever I tried to service it myself. I suppose I should not have been surprised by this, however it still made me mad at myself. I don’t know why I continue to do things the way that I do sometimes! It’s actually aggravating.

hvac tech

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