Three a/c units needed to be fixed

I am trying my best to type with our fat kitty snuggled under our left arm, but I am finding it taxing to do so because I can barely touch the laptop with our left hand.

I’m seeing Bitcoin go deranged right now, climbing to a level it hasn’t seen in almost 2 years. Maybe it is finally going to start hitting that bull run after all, but that isn’t going to help myself and others too much as I sunk all of our available money into this EV stock that has just been dropping ever since. I have given up trading, focusing on Heating & A/C device repairs for a modern contractor in town & putting our money in the bank instead. If this new company doesn’t survive then my associate and I am going to abandon investments totally & just pop our money in the bank like our mom told myself and others to do from the start. I thought I would turn our Mom’s Heating & A/C tech money into numerous times the amount, but I ended up losing most of it with our sudden day trades & whatnot. It isn’t fun losing your Mom’s money that he worked so taxingly to make with his local business, but I am just letting it kneel with this electric vehicle production company & hope for the best. It could blow up in a couple of weeks & I might be back to where I was before losing it all. For now, it is going to be air duct cleaning for the heating and cooling company & maybe some heat pump sales for our other neighbor in the business. Let’s just see what time brings me.


heater maintenance

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