Singing the cooling tech blues

We will play music later and I am going to go easy with my singing because I just recovered from the flu and don’t have a ton of energy to spare. We will either play at this church or on this pier if the church spot is taken. I am going to be cutting back on my volleyball now and put more energy and time into my music with the band because my body is pretty shot out from 31 years of playing and I am ready to move on to the next phase in my life. Heating and cooling repair writing is my job that pays most of my bills for now, but music will soon take that spot as we make money in different local businesses in town. I want to make some new songs this month and get them uploaded onto our site if they are good enough. We sing about fun things like climate control systems and space heaters, enlightening people about HVAC systems while making the music fun and entertaining. I would like to end up playing music as a career in the long run and just having fun with that for as long as my body will let me. I was doing HVAC repair work for many years but grabbed the drum one day and found out I had a knack for playing it. So now I have turned that into a reality with the band I play and I am doing more and more singing as time goes on. I am grateful I took the chance!



a/c representative

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