Seven cooling systems left

What a week it was for me.

Suffering from the flu for the whole time, I am happy to be finally feeling better after the whole week in bed.

I don’t have my sense of smell right now but at least the fever and aches are all gone. I think the worst part of the whole ordeal was the wicked sore throat I had for about four days, not sleeping much at all during the nights because of the pain of swallowing. But, I survived it and am now on my way to being totally well again. The air purifier definitely helped a lot to keep the air quality good while I was sick, and it also served as a good white noise machine at night when the bar out back was so loud. Now I can get my life back on track and get the band moving in the right direction again as we get ready to play outside later today. I have to clean my HEPA filter at some point today to remove the dust and pollen from it, and then tomorrow I will go visit the HVAC business to see if I can buy a new one. Tomorrow I will start my Spanish practice again and move ahead with that as well because it was impossible for me to practice last week the way I was feeling. Today looks like a nice day and I can open the windows and get some natural climate control and fresh air in this flat once again. Have a good day!

Ductless heat pump

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