Space furnace requirements

I live in an part of the country that has actually drastic winter time weather; I didn’t grow up in a temperature like this so it has been quite an adjustment for me, and my husband got a job up north about five years ago, so we have been here ever since.

I never saw myself living in a place that gets up to ten inches of snow in the winter, however the job was too good to pass up! Since we moved up here, I have been trying to figure out the most cost effective way to warm up our home.

My associate and I don’t have a fireplace, so that is out of the question. So I know our next best option is to get a couple of space heaters plus put them in the rooms that we use the most. If we turned on the furnace every time it go cold, the electric bill would be through the roof. I absolutely don’t want to have to turn on the furnace that often because of how much it costs to heat your home up here. I am not used to having to turn on the furnace at all since I did not grow up in this temperature, then however, I am trying to adjust to it without complaining too much to my husband. I bought a couple of space heaters last weekand I am going to see how well they heat my home. I also need to do some research on space furnace safety because I know that this furnace can be actually dangerous if you aren’t careful.
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