Getting back to normal

I know that seems weird, but it’s constantly freezing freezing in my office and when I am laboring from household I can keep my office set to whatever temperature I want.

I have been laboring from my apartment for about three months now, while I absolutely like being able to labor from household and don’t have to spend so much money on gas, I am ready to start getting life back to normal, but i wish that I could go out in public and be around people but that is just not the case right now. I got an email from labor yesterday saying that my unbelievable friend and I could go back into the office if my unbelievable friend and I wanted. I am a little hesitant to go back into the office full time and the main reason is a little crazy. I don’t like the HVAC system in my office. I know that seems weird, but it’s constantly freezing freezing in my office and when I am laboring from household I can keep my office set to whatever temperature I want. I have gotten so spoiled being able to set the control component to my liking that I am anxious I won’t be able to adjust to going back into the office. I know most people won’t understand this but I just want to be comfortable while I am laboring and don’t want to have to wear a big sweater because the office is freezing cold. I think that if I decide to go back into the office I am going to talk to my manager about changing the temperature of the office because I can’t be the only one that feels this way about the HVAC system at the office. I know I have seen other boys in the office wearing big sweaters to stay warm.




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