Helping the Little One’s Breathe Freely

All through high school, I always dreamed of opening my own daycare.

I even took child care courses in high school that earned me my 40 hour child care certificate so that I could work in a daycare.

But, I didn’t want to work in a regular daycare. I feel children thrive better when they are cared for by people who know them personally and care about them. I knew that if I opened a traditional daycare some day, I would be involved more in the paperwork and day to day operations than in the hands on care of children, which is what I really wanted. I wanted to teach these children their letters, numbers, shapes and colors, to tie their shoes and color in the lines, and become an important part of their lives. I get a lot of support from my parents, so, when I graduated, they helped me rent a house that I could live in but was big enough to use as a home daycare. I had a playroom/classroom and a room for napping and time out, and a bathroom specifically for the children. The only problem was that the rental came with a basic central heating and cooling system and I needed an air purification system for my home daycare. Mom and Dad didn’t have the money to buy me a home, so I had to depend on portable room air purifiers for the first few years, until I had money to buy my own house and have a whole house purification system installed. Until then, the portable room air purifiers did really help. I was able to take in a baby with asthma, and another child with allergies and keep them comfortable and healthy. The little room air purifiers made it so the little ones can breathe freely.

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