Opted for a more relaxed winter and a heat pump

We first rented a really nice house that gave us the opportunity to look into more long-term options

Before we finally decided to move to the south, it truly was a matter of life and death. Over 20 years ago, my wife and I launched our company. We grew up in a northern area where the average winter saw a gas furnace or boiler running for more than five months. Still, it was all we knew, and we were totally committed to turning our business into a success. With that goal accomplished, we were able to sell the business for a staggering sum of money. money that would have allowed us to retire at age 45. We were initially at a loss after selling the business because we didn’t have kids and our work had been our shared passion. Since we were certain we needed more space, we upgraded the heating and cooling system to get the best deal. However, because the house was sold so quickly, we weren’t really sure what to do. The winter and the gas furnace were two things we had always wished we could replace with the sun and a heat pump. We, therefore, decided to move forward with that. We said goodbye to the only place we were familiar with after packing up and downsizing our possessions. We first rented a really nice house that gave us the opportunity to look into more long-term options. But this home had the most modern HVAC systems for homes and every HVAC innovation that makes living in the south comfortable. The summers down here are no joke, so we were happy to have our first one with the best air conditioning possible.
hepa filter

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