I needed HVAC in the garage.

Last year, my husband took half of his three-bay garage, and gave me a workroom for my carpet making. I had my loom set up, and I was working to make cloth for the carpets. When summer arrived, I knew I wasn’t going to continue working out there without HVAC. The three spring months was hard enough, but summer was going to be brutal. My husband had a wood furnace in his garage area, which helped to keep the garage warm, but it wasn’t doing a lot for my area. I told him I needed HVAC in the garage. He drew up plans for insulating some of the garage, and asked what I was thinking about for HVAC. I told him I had been looking into ductless mini split HVAC. I showed him the mini split units, and talked to him about the efficiency of the HVAC system. I knew it would probably cost a couple thousand dollars for the HVAC system, but it would heat and cool the entire garage, and not just a small area. The following weekend, my husband had the HVAC technician come to the house and discuss ductless HVAC for the garage. He did an inspection of the garage, and realized we were already installing insulation. The energy efficiency rating was 26, and it wasn’t nearly as expensive as we thought it would be. Two weeks later, the HVAC technician had the ductless HVAC system delivered. It took a three-man crew to install the HVAC system, and within forty-eight hours, we had working heating and air conditioning.

cooling equipment

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