Eleven more for my cooling corp

My heating supplier friend and I have been playing together for a year now and we have about 20 songs online so far, some of them being songs about working in the heating and cooling industry and the experiences we go through doing so

It is coming up on 12:30 pm and I have about two more hours of work to do. I am also going to train a client at 4pm and so I need to get a move on so that I have time for lunch and some relaxation before the training session. I will push myself to get these done soon so that I have time to also make my salad for the week, something that I like to do each week at the start of the week so that I make sure I eat salad each day. HVAC system repairs are on the slate for this weekend as we do a big duct cleaning job for this business in town. I think we can get the job done within about three days, which means it may roll over into Monday, but that is fine because Monday is a holiday and the business will be closed. I will be working with an HVAC tech that is really good at cleaning ductwork, so it should be a breeze to do once we get started. I think we will play music tonight on the pier around sunset and maybe record some new songs while we are at it. My heating supplier friend and I have been playing together for a year now and we have about 20 songs online so far, some of them being songs about working in the heating and cooling industry and the experiences we go through doing so. I like working in this field and I also like to sing about it too.


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