She isn’t as familiar with the class she teaches

Angela is a high school teacher.

She also teaches college classes at night to make extra cash and because she legitimately likes educating others.

One of the setbacks of being a part time college instructor is not being as familiar with the classroom she teaches in. Angela is well-versed with her high school classroom because she’s there everyday. But, she is less familiar with her college classroom because she’s only there a night a week. Angela did realize that it felt quite warm in her college classroom, but the control device read that it was on. She opened the door to help cool down the small space. When the students came in, Angela apologized for the temperature and she told them that she sent an email to see if the school Heating & Air Conditioning service person would come out and check on the control unit. Majority of her students were super understanding about the AC system not finally working well. It was warm in the room, however it was not excruciatingly hot. One of Angela’s students complains about everything. He is the type of student to try to argue with his mentors about losing a few points on an assignment. He got so irritated about the cooling system not working well. In the middle of her lecture, he stood up and started shouting that it is impossible to learn in this environment and Angela should find out how to repair the control unit. She calmly and politely asked him to leave the classroom, as she already explained that she cannot repair the control device and it is out of the code of conduct to shout at your mentor.
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