Developing runner’s pain

I have developed something called a runner’s heel, and it took me a while to figure out what was wrong with my left foot.

I noticed a significant amount of pain & swelling in the heel.

It was especially sore after a workout or anytime I stood for long periods of time. I googled & found that runner’s heel can be caused by excessive impact & overuse of the foot. I exercise every afternoon. I devote at least an hour to physical fitness. I am always striving to increase strength, stamina & muscle tone, however my workouts are centered around burning as numerous calories as possible, then as I’ve gotten older, I’ve found that it becomes increasingly hard to maintain an ideal weight. I’ve cut back on the amount I eat & have become more conscientious about eating healthy foods. I still struggle with some extra weight in the belly area, but because of this, my afternoon exercise sessions involve a fantastic deal of high-intensity aerobics. I might go for a six- to eight-mile run or ride my bike for an hour. I am a big fan of jumping rope. It is a fantastic full-body exercise that elevates the heart rate, expands the lungs & burns calories. I utilize ropes of strange weights & often choose guided workouts gave by an app on my cellphone. I might jump rope for forty to fifty minutes straight, then the repetitive pounding is very damaging to my feet. I frequently ice my feet & apply pain-relieving ointments. I take over-the-counter Tylenol to lessen the inflammation. I know that I should rest my feet, however I’m unwilling to quit working out. I am focusing more on cycling, swimming, rowing, weight lifting & exercises that aren’t so hard on my feet.


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