Their sister purchased a ceiling fan for them

Ever since their sibling told them how he had been saving money on his energy bill by installing a ceiling fan, Max and Luke had been thinking about getting a fan of their own for their house.

Well, their sister decided to get them one for Christmas after they mentioned it to her.

Earlier this year, she installed the fan for them, but they hadn’t used it because it was still much Winter. But several weeks ago, Max and Luke finally used the fan after the weather warmed up outside. Their sibling explained that in order to see the most savings without sacrificing comfort, they should use the fan with their Heating, Ventilation and A/C unit. He suggested that they increase the temperature on their temperature control and use the fan as a way to circulate the frosty air throughout the room. On the first evening, they did what he suggested and were completely impressed with the results. Max and Luke thought that they would be warm since they increased their temperature control to 73 degrees and then used the fan all evening. When they woke up the next day, they realized that they slept like babies and didn’t toss their blankets off. Typically, they would sleep with their temperature control set to 70, which was their ideal sleeping temperature. But with the ceiling fan, Max and Luke can now make the adjustments going forward. Using the fan is a great idea because not only will it save them money on their energy bill, but it will also give their Heating, Ventilation and A/C device a break from working so hard. Plus, it could also extend the life of their Heating, Ventilation & A/C device because it will have less wear and tear. If you don’t have a ceiling fan in your home, Max and Luke recommend that you install one.

heating corp

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